Wednesday, April 20, 2016

How to show the MENUs in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

You guys maybe wondering if where is the good ole Menus located at the upper left corner of Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Mozilla. These menus are helpful once and a while, and as for me it is still very handy for me whenever I am using Chrome, Explorer and Firefox.

How do you access it you may ask? You just have to press the ALT button in your keyboard and then it will appear. Press the ALT button again and then it will disappear.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

SD card can cause hanging in android phone.

One day I have come into an experience that my phone suddenly hanging whenever I open an app or any app. I did not do anything before the hanging up occurs so my suspicion is that the phone is just hanging up inside the android system itself so what I did is I restarted my phone.

But it did not fixed the problem. So what I did next is I turned off my phone then I removed my SD card then I tried to turn on my phone again, and then voila! The hanging up is gone. It did confirm that an SD card issue can make hanging up in android phones.

How to check what's eating up your Drive C: disk space?

Ever wonder why your drive C keeps on getting full? Or want to see what folders have the most disk space? You just need a tool name WinDirStat. Install it then run it then you can see what folders are eating up the most disk space in you computer. You can also perform deletion right in the app itself. Just be careful on deleting. Good luck.