Monday, March 21, 2016

Can't login on PayPal

Just today I was greeted by this frustrating error when I am logging in to my PayPal account. It is saying that they can't log me in. I tried to reset my password thrice but failed. First try failed, second try failed, actually at the third try it was successful, then PayPal automatically logged me in into my account. I checked my account profile then I logged-out.

What caused my frustration is, when I logged-out then tried to log-in again the picture above happened again. My goodness, I did all the necessary things to do, I wrote my password to a paper for me to make sure that I will not forget it once I will try to log-in again. But it persist that something is wrong in my account.

I lost my cool in this one. Just ruined my day. Thank you PayPal.

Here is the proof that I am typing the correct password in my account. This is driving me nuts.

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