Monday, March 2, 2020

It's Always Good Practice to Have a Second Laptop on Standby when Doing a PowerPoint Presentation

This article originally appeared on my Steemit blog

There was a time in my I.T. career that a PowerPoint presentation broke down. The presentation is performing well while we are making a dry run of all the slides.

The laptop that is running the presentation is quite new, it is only months old. The backup laptop on the other hand is three to five years old.

We chose the new laptop because it is more powerful than the old one, which is always a logical choice when someone is doing a very sensitive job function within the company especially a PowerPoint presentation.

Five minutes prior to begin the presentation a damning error suddenly keeps on popping up on the laptop's screen it is saying that PowerPoint is not responding.

I have no choice but to turn on the backup laptop that we have and the rest is history.

By the way, I also have a second projector as a backup.

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